New netze:ON trade fair focuses on energy technology, distribution and broadband network.
The electricity market will change massively in the future. The decentralization of feeder and supply requires new technologies and market mechanisms. This demands new technologies and market structures. At the same time, broadband expansion is gaining in importance in the course of digitalisation. As a trade fair for energy technology, distribution and broadband networks, netze:ON will address the entire spectrum of the industry, from network technology to network management, and depict it holistically.
At netze:ON, manufacturers and service providers from the fields of network technology, management and digitalisation meet network operators, representatives of municipal utilities, power plant and facility operators, as well as managers of industrial and commercial complexes. Furthermore, netze:ON will provide a platform for planners and engineers, as well as representatives of the housing industry, electrical system construction, science, municipalities and politics.
- With the creation of netze:ON, the Leipziger trade fair offers the energy industry the ideal framework for exchanging ideas and driving forward the necessary developements of the energy transition. This new trade fair also focuses on the important task of nationwide broadband expansion. A wide range of technological solutions and innovations will be presented, ensuring a high level of practical relevance. The specialist programm provides important impetus for strategic and political discussions.
The Topics at netze:ON are directly linked to those at efa, which takes place at the same time. Among other things, the subject of energy technology in buildings will play a major role. In the future, buildings themselves are expected to take on an increasingly significant role in energy provision as sources of electricity, thus becoming essential components in networks and decentralisation. Together, efa and netze:ON will represent the full spectrum of electrical engineering, as well as electrical and sustainable energy technology.
The premiere of netze:ON will take place from 12 to 14 September 2023 in Leipzig at the same time as efa.